Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
Text File
995 lines
Volume 1, Number 8 11 Jun 1988
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| - C News - |
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| International |
| C Programming & Compiler Review |
| Newsletter |
| |
US Office:
Editor Barry Lynch
Technical Editor Marshall Presnell
Australian Office:
Editor David Nugent
Asst Editor Kevin Bergin
C News is published monthly by the C BBS as its official
newsletter. You are encouraged to submit articles for publication
in C News. Articles should be related to C programming and can be
Tutorials, reviews or articles of interest to the C programming
community. All Operating systems are fairly represented and this
newsletter shows no favoritism to any one in particular. Instruct-
ions on how to submit articles for publication is included on the
last page.
C News is the property of the C BBS and is Copyright 1988 by the
the C BBS. All rights are reserved and distribution is limited to
electronic distribution and personal printed copies. C News cannot
be resold at any profit, by any organization. All material enclosed
within the newsletter is the opinions of the writers and not the
C BBS or it's Sysop.
C News 1-08 11 Jun 1988
The Heap: messages from the editor.................... 1
2. BUG Report: MSC C 5.01 & QC 1.01
PrintF Function ..................................... 2
Public Domain: ........................................... 4
EZ-Window V1.1 by Barry Lynch
4. Programming for The Hercules Graphics
Card by David Cheslow ............................... 5
5. LATEST VERSIONS OF COMMERCIAL/Public Domain ............. 16
Software by Barry Lynch
Article Submission Standards ............................. 17
Address's ............................................... 18
USER Response Form ....................................... 19
7. INDEX ................................................... 20
8. Distribution Points ..................................... 22
C News 1-08 Page 1 11 Jun 1988
The Heap: Messages from the editor
C News is alive and well again. This issue marks the debut.
of a new section: Current Versions of Commercial and Public Domain
Software. You will notice that there are quite a few files and
compilers missing. In time I will get around to them all, but as I
do not use all of the compilers on the market. Finding out what the
lastest version is, is a challenge. Therefore, if you are using
a compiler that does not have a version number listed. Please place
a netmail message in the C Echo or on the C BBS. Thanks for your
support in this matter.
Along the same lines, I would like to ask all C Shareware/Public
Domain authors to send copies of their products to the C BBS. So
that may be reviewed and highlighted in future issues of C News.
C News is for all users, readers, and developers.
This issue also features the first in a series of articles on
programming the Hercules Graphics Adapter. This article also,
focuses around a compiler other than the big three <MSC, Borland
and Lattice>. MIX C. This is a trend that I would like to see
more of.
Finally, as I put the finishing touches on Issue 8, I cannot
help but feel somewhat proud of what we have created. The users
make C News what it is, and I hope it continues.
Barry Lynch
Burke, VA
C News 1-08 Page 2 11 Jun 1988
BUG Report: Microsoft Strikes Again!
*** Editors Note: The following is the text file included
with the Official Microsoft Patch. Copyright Microsoft
This file contains replacement object files to correct a
problem with formatted output in the Microsoft C 5.10 runtime.
Specificly, printf would not zero fill floating point numbers when
the specified precision is zero. The cprintf() function also has
this problem. This is demonstrated by the following example.
#include <stdio.h>
printf("%04.0f\n", 12.34);
The current runtime library will output ' 12'. With this update,
the library will output '0012'.
The following is a list of the files in this archive.
README.DOC This file.
UPDATE.BAT DOS batch file to update all libraries.
UPDATE.CMD OS/2 batch file to update all libraries.
OUTPUT.S OUTPUT.OBJ for small model libraries.
OUTPUT.M OUTPUT.OBJ for medium model libraries.
OUTPUT.C OUTPUT.OBJ for compact model libraries.
OUTPUT.L OUTPUT.OBJ for large model libraries.
CPRINTF.S CPRINTF.OBJ for small model libraries.
CPRINTF.M CPRINTF.OBJ for medium model libraries.
CPRINTF.C CPRINTF.OBJ for compact model libraries.
CPRINTF.L CPRINTF.OBJ for large model libraries.
C News 1-08 Page 3 11 Jun 1988
Bug Report: Microsoft Strikes Again
To update your libraries, you should place all these files in
the same directory as the libraries and type UPDATE. The process
may take a some time depending on the number of libraries you
created during installation.
The update procedure will create a backup of each library with
the file extension .BAK. After you assure yourself that the update
completed without error (for example insufficient disk space), you
can delete the backups. The original combined libraries can always
be regenerated using the SETUP program and the distribution disks.
C News 1-08 Page 4 11 Jun 1988
Filename: EZWIND.ARC
This is another of the "add-on graphics libraries" that are
available for the more popular MS-DOS C compilers on the market
today. Others include: WindowBoss, and C Spot Run. All are
excellent and I was curious as to why someone thought they had to
create another.
This version of EZ Window (1.1) is for Microsoft C 5.0 and
QuickC. At this time, it is not known if versions are available
for TurboC, MIX C, or Datalight. EZ Window's main selling point
is the ease of use. I have played with all of the major and
minor windows libraries that are in the Public Domain. This is
not the most powerful by any means. But the creation and manip-
ulation of Text Windows, with sound effects and shadowing is quite
simple. The author <Don Fordham> has done an excellent job on the
documentation, that helps in the ease of use. The sample programs
that are included are simple, and stress the point. All in all,
this is a simple, non-pretentious package that is highly recommended
for all C programmers.
Source Included: No, except for sample programs.
Compiler: Microsoft only. Supports Small and Large models.
C News 1-08 Page 5 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
This is the first in a series of articles about the Hercules
Graphics Adapter, specifically, the graphics modes of that adapter.
The Hercules is not supported by many standard compiler libraries
and, when it is supported, it is usually underutilized.
Since this is the first article about the subject, some general
information on the Hercules is appropriate. The Hercules (when in
text mode) is 100% compatible with the IBM Monochrome Graphics
Adapter. Because there are so many good public domain libraries
which support the Monochrome, this column will not address issues
pertaining to that mode. When the Hercules is in graphics mode,
however, it can produce dazzling 720 x 348 pixel monochrome
graphics. Because IBM never endorsed a monochrome graphics
standard the BIOS which is in IBM and clone machines offers no
support for the Hercules defacto standard. In order to make use
of the terrific resolution of the Hercules graphics modes, you must
either buy software from Hercules or write the routines yourself.
The first option is not altogether satisfactory because in order to
distribute the Hercules software you must make an agreement with
Hercules. For commercial software developers this is not a serious
problem, but for the hacker or public domain software developer this
is just too much trouble. Because of this, very few public domain
programs support the Hercules graphics mode.
This article will, over the next several months, provide a complete
graphics environment for the Hercules graphics mode. By 'complete' I
mean a windowing environment with pulldown menus, multiple resizable
moveable scrollable popup windows, animation, multiple fonts, and a
bunch of graphics primitives for freestyle drawing. In as much as I
haven't written all of the routines yet, I may have to revisit older
routines from time to time to make them compatible with other not
yet written routines. Whenever possible, the code that is provided
will be completely portable. In addition, assembler routines will be
provided to increase the speed of some routines. I will attempt to
keep the assembler routines to a minimum (after all, this is a
newsletter for 'C' programmers not assembler programmers). The routines
will be provided only when they are needed to provide added portability
or when they improve performance substantially.
One of the joys of graphics programming is using the mouse as an
input device. I will occasionally digress from the subject of
Hercules graphics and wander off into the world of mouse functions.
These functions will be presented so as to be compatible with all the
IBM graphics modes.
One caveat before I begin. I use the MIX Power C medium memory model
compiler, it is the only compiler I own. I chose the Power C
compiler because it is fully functional and dirt cheap.
C News 1-08 Page 6 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
Since I have only the one compiler, I am not qualified to
review its capabilities compared to other compilers but I am
satisfied with it. The Power C compiler comes with its own
assembler which is not entirely compatible with MASM. When I
present assembler code with the Hercules routines, I will do my
best to provide MASM compatible code ... I guarantee nothing.
I hope that readers of this article will provide me with feedback
about using these routines with other compilers and assemblers.
That's about enough background for this month ... on with the
show! This time I will present routines for:
1) Detecting a Hercules graphics adapter;
2) Switching the Hercules into/out of graphics mode;
3) Switching between graphics 'pages';
4) Blanking/restoring the Hercules adapter;
5) Detecting a mouse driver; and
6) Turning the mouse cursor on/off
This group of functions doesn't really let you do anything - I
apologize for this. These functions, while not visibly spect-
acular, are the foundation upon which we are going to build the
really fun stuff. It is important that these functions are fully
understood. Please spend some time reading and examining them until
you are comfortable with the concepts used.
If it's any consolation, my next article will cover 1) multiple
raster fonts, 2) horizontal and vertical lines, 3) filled boxes and
several more mouse functions. Stay tuned!
1) Detecting a Hercules graphics adapter
Detection of a Hercules adapter is accomplished in two steps. First,
we must ask the ROM BIOS what type of adapter IT thinks is attached.
If the BIOS indicates that a monochrome adapter is NOT present then
we know that the adapter can not possibly be Hercules compatible
(remember that the Hercules is 100% compatible with the IBM Monchrome
Adapter). If, however, the BIOS indicates that a monochrome adapter
IS installed, then we must determine the amount of RAM memory the
adapter has. The Monchrome has only 4000 bytes of memory (80 x 25
characters + 80 x 25 attributes); the Hercules has 65536 bytes (2
graphics 'pages' with 32768 bytes per 'page'). Actually, only 31320
bytes are used on each 'page' (the others are left blank), but more
about that later.
C News 1-08 Page 7 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
Determining what graphics adapter is installed is actually pretty
easy in this particular case. The Monochrome can only exist in
one mode (#7). No other graphics adapter can exist in this mode.
Since the Hercules is 100% compatible with the Monochrome, all we
have to do is determine the current video mode. If it is 7 then a
Monochrome or Hercules is installed and we can continue with our
This is the first of many functions I will present that require an
'int86' function. The prototype for the 'int86' function is -
void int86(int i, union REGS r1, union REGS r2). Where i is the DOS
interrupt number to be performed, r1 is a union containing the
various NON-SEGMENT registers to be used when calling the interrupt,
and r2 is an identical union in which the register values will be
saved after the interrupt is completed. This is a rather involved
function to implement in assembler and since my compiler has an
'int86' function I have never tried to write one. If your compiler
doesn't have one please leave me a note on the Virginia (USA) C BBS
and I will include one in a later article. Has anyone out there
already written one?
Here's the function:
int h_isherc(void)
external char far *h_p;
union REGS regs;
char save_byte;
if(regs.h.al!=7) return(-1);
if(*(h_p+65535)!=170) return(1);
if(*(h_p+65535)!=85) return(1);
*(h_p+65535)=save byte;
'regs' is a union used in the 'int86' function.
'save_byte' is used to store the contents of the last byte of
Hercules memory.
C News 1-08 Page 8 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
Ascii 15 is loaded into the ah register and BIOS interupt #16 is
called to return the current video mode (which is returned in the
al register).
If the al register contains any value other than 7, then -1 is
returned by the function to indicate that a color adapter of some
sort is attached.
'h_p' is initialized to point to Hercules memory. Be sure to call
this function before any other Hercules functions or you will wipe
out the operating system and have to reboot the computer.
If the al register contains 7, however, the last byte of Hercules
memory is saved in 'save_byte' and an attempt is made to change the
that byte to ascii 170 (binary 10101010). The byte is read again to
determine whether or not the change was successful. The possibility
exists that the last byte of Hercules memory already contained ascii
170, so the byte is changed to ascii 85 (binary 01010101, which is
mutually exclusive of ascii 170) and the byte is checked again to see
whether or not the change was successful.
If either of the changes was unsuccessful, then the function returns
1 to indicate that the adapter is Monochrome (or doesn't have enough
memory to be Hercules compatible).
Finally, the byte of Hercules memory is restored to its original
value and the function returns 0 to indicate that a Hercules
compatible graphics adapter is installed.
2) Switch the Hercules into/out of graphics mode
Some compilers offer a function to accomplish this, the name of the
function might be something like 'setvmode' or 'mode'. If your
compiler has this function, check to see if your compiler supports
the mouse. If your compiler supports both the Hercules mode and the
mouse, then you're in luck! These lucky people probably won't need
this function. If the compiler causes a click sound when changing
to Hercules graphics mode, read on, we will cure that problem in this
If your compiler has Hercules OR mouse support, but not the other,
then you will need to use the function presented here. We must per-
form some special programming to make the Hercules and the mouse work
together. If your compiler does not support both, then chances are
pretty good that this special programming was not implemented.
Improper implementation of this function may cause damage to your
C News 1-08 Page 9 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
graphics adapter or monitor - YOU accept full responsibility for
what happens if you use it! The author, C BBS and affiliated dis-
tributors, and C NEWS absolve themselves of ANY responsibility with
regard to this function! As written, it has been fully tested and
works better than any other similar function I have seen ... but,
To use this function you will need an 'outp' function. The prototype
for an 'outp' function is - void outp(unsigned p, int c). The result
is that (char)int c is sent out port p. In assembler the function
goes something like this:
Where [BP+6] and [BP+8] are the parameters unsigned p and int c
Here's the function:
int h_init(mode)
int mode;
extern int h_vpage,h_apage,h_xpos,h_ypos;
extern int h_pmode,h_vmode,h_color,h_start;
extern int h_xmax,h_xmin,h_ymax,h_ymin;
extern char far *h_p;
char text[]={97,80,82,15,25,6,25,25,2,13,11,12,0,0,0,0};
char graph[]={53,45,46,7,91,2,87,87,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0};
char *ptr;
unsigned i;
union REGS reg;
C News 1-08 Page 10 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
for(i=0;i<=65535;i++) *(h_p+i)=0;
'mode' is the only parameter passed to the h_init function, if
'mode'==99 then graphics mode will be initialized, any other value
will cause text mode to be initialized.
'text[]' and 'graph[]' are arrays of character variables which will
be sent out of the DATAPORT to initialize the proper mode.
'ptr' is a pointer into the 'text[]' or 'graph[]' arrays.
'i' is a counter used for the two 'for' loops (i.e. loading the
DATAPORT registers and clearing Hercules RAM).
'regs' is a union used by the 'int86' function.
Unfortunately, the MODEPORT is an output only port, therefore we have
to keep track of the current mode information and output the proper
byte based on that data. For this reason, your programs must never
return to DOS without first restoring the Hercules to text mode.
Other programs have no way to determine the current video mode.
The 4th bit of MODEPORT controls whether or not the adapter is
on or off, when the bit is 1 the adapter is on, otherwise the adapter
is off. Turning the adapter off eliminates the flicker associated
with changing video modes and reduces the stress on the adapter and
monitor during the video mode change. The 2nd bit controls (together
with the DATAPORT registers) whether graphics or text mode is sel-
ected. To turn the adapter off we send 2 out of MODEPORT if we are in
graphics mode, 0 if we are in text mode.
C News 1-08 Page 11 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
'ptr' is set to point to the array 'graph[]' if 'mode'==99, other-
wise it is set to point to 'text[]'.
The ah register is set equal to 0 and the al register is set to 6.
These are the registers needed to request a change to CGA high
resolution graphics mode using DOS interrupt 10.
If we are selecting text mode, 7 is placed in al to select Monochome
DOS interrupt 10 Hex is issued with the values previously set in the
ah and al registers. This tricks the mouse driver (if present) into
thinking that a graphics mode is selected. CAUTION - be sure that 6
is in the al register, other values (i.e. the ones used to select EGA
modes) may cause damage to your monitor! If you screw this up, you
will hear a loud zap sound (like sticking a fork in a toaster while
it's on) when you run this function ... if it zaps, turn your monitor
off FAST and you might be able to save it! You should not hear any
even slightly alarming sound when this function runs. Just be sure
that 6 is in register al and you will have no trouble. If you are
not at all brave, and you don't want to use the mouse then you can
simply delete the line with the 'int86' function call.
The 2nd bit of mode port is set to 1 to request graphics mode or 0 to
request text mode. This is only part of the process, however, the
DATAPORT values must also be changed to the appropriate values.
Send the 16 array values out of the DATAPORT after addressing each of
the 16 ADDRPORT registers. It is always necessary to reprogram all
16 of these registers for each mode change, even though both modes
have several values that are the same.
Reset the external variables to their default values.
Set all 65535 bytes of Hercules RAM to ascii 0 if we are selecting
graphics mode. This is not necessary if we are selecting text mode
because the BIOS will clear that memory for us. ** See ASM SPEEDUP **
Turn the adapter back on by setting bit 4 to 1.
Return the current video mode value, 7 indicates text mode, 99
indicates graphics.
C News 1-08 Page 12 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
If your compiler has a function to initialize FAR memory to a
CHARACTER ascii value then you have an easy speedup to replace the
loop which clears Hercules memory. This function might be called
something like 'farmemset' or 'farmemfill'. If you are using a
large memory model then look for 'memset' or 'memfill'. Double
check that the function addresses FAR memory or you'll get a system
crash for sure! All we are really trying to accomplish here is to
fill 65536 bytes of far memory, starting at 'h_p', with the character
ascii 0. This speedup (and several similar ones) will be used in many
of the functions presented in future articles so your time will be
well spent getting it right. This speedup will make the routine
almost instantaneous! If your compiler doesn't have such a function
then try this ASM routine:
MOV AX,[BP+10]
MOV CX,[BP+12]
Where [BP+6] is the offset portion of a far pointer, [BP+8] is the
segment portion of a far pointer, [BP+10] is the character to fill
with and [BP+12] is the number of bytes to fill.
Before using this ASM code, be sure to check whether or not your
compilers requires you to preserve the ES segment register.
3) Switching between the two Hercules graphics 'pages'
After that last one this should be a breeze. The Hercules maintains
2 separate graphics pages and allows an almost instantaneous switch
between them. Much of the information about the techniques used in
this function have already been covered, so the description will be
brief. Unfortunately, I know of no way to make the mouse cursor
appear on the second graphics page. Anybody got any ideas?
C News 1-08 Page 13 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
Here's the function:
int h_setvpage(page)
int page;
extern int h_vpage;
int old_page;
The only parameter passed to this function is the page which is
to be made the visible page. If the value is 1 then the second
page is made visible. Any other value causes the first page (#0)
to become visible.
'old_page' is used to store the number of the page which is visible
when the function is called. This is also the value returned by the
The 8th bit of MODEPORT determines which page is currently visible.
Since the pages are only meaningful in graphics mode and because
we wouldn't be changing the visible page unless the adapter is on,
we know that the 2nd and 4th bits are 1. To select page 1, we add
128; for page 0, we add 0.
'old_page' is set equal to the external variable which contains the
previously visible page. The new visible page is loaded into h_vpage
and the previously visible page is returned.
C News 1-08 Page 14 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
4) Turning the Hercules adapter on/off
If you followed the h_init and the h_setvpage functions then this
one should be obvious.
void h_onoff(on)
int on;
If the parameter 'on' has a value other than 0 the adapter is turned
on, otherwise it is turned off.
5) Detect the presence of a mouse driver
The mouse is controlled by making calls to interrupt 33 hex with
various values in the NON-SEGMENT registers. The 'int86' function
works well for this. When register ax is 0 the mouse driver
is initialized and returns the number of buttons on the mouse in
the bx register. The ax register contains -1 if a mouse is present,
otherwise it contains 0.
Here is the function:
int m_int(buttons)
int *buttons;
union REGS reg;
When calling this function note that a pointer to 'buttons' is
passed as the parameter. The function call will look like this -
6) Turning the mouse cursor on/off
Call the mouse interrupt with 1 in the ax register turns the mouse
cursor on. If 2 is in ax then the mouse cursor is turned off. Note
that the number of calls to mouse on must be the same as the number
of calls to mouse off. In other words, if the mouse on call is made
twice then the mouse off call must be made twice to turn the cursor
C News 1-08 Page 15 11 Jun 1988
Programming for the Hercules Graphics Card by David Cheslow.
Here's the function:
void m_cursor(on)
int on;
union REGS reg;
If 'on' ==0 then the mouse cursor is turned off, otherwise it is
turned on.
If you are using the demo program with a mouse installed, note
that the mouse can not move over the entire screen. The fix for
that will be in my next article. Other than that, the demo should
be self explanatory. The only functions you need to compile it
are 'printf' 'getch' and 'exit'.
C News 1-08 Page 16 11 Jun 1988
Latest Versions of Commercial/PD Software.
Compilers: Ver:
--------- ----
Microsoft C 5.10
QuickC 1.01
TurboC 1.5 /* With a rumored 2.0 out */
Datalight ?
PowerC ?
Lattice C ?
Watcom 6.0
C News 1-08 Page 17 11 Jun 1988
As I have repeatedly stated in this newsletter and previous
issues, I would like to see user-submitted articles, reviews or
questions. Listed below are the standards that should be
followed to make my job easier as an editor.
- Articles should be submitted in a ASCII non-formatted
file. (Margins 0-65 PLEASE)
- If the article include code fragments as examples. Then
you can include the entire source file if you like for
inclusion with the newsletter.
- Book or magazine reviews should follow the same format,
that is outlined in this issue. The publisher, author,
title, and ISBN number are a must.
- Compiler/and or product reviews, should include the
version number and manufacture. If possible, reviews
should include a sample program with benchmarks.
If you have any questions you can contact me at the
address's included on the next page.
C News 1-08 Page 18 11 Jun 1988
The C BBS is located at:
% BCL Limited
P.O. Box 9162
McLean VA, 22102
or you can send netmail to:
C News 1-08 Page 19 11 Jun 1988
This form will be included as a regular feature in all future
issues of C NEWS.
What did you think of the content of this Issue? _____________
What improvements can you think of that would make C News a
better tool for the C Community?
What is your favorite section or sections? ___________________
What don't you like about C News? ____________________________
Additional Comments: _________________________________________
C News 1-08 Page 20 11 Jun 1988
Subject: Issue:
Additional Comments of Filename Wild.. 6
Beginning C Functions 7
C Spot Run: A User Supported Library 7
Filename Wildcard Expansion in MSC 4
Integrated Environment: TC & QC 5
Programming the Hercules Graphics Card 8
Talking with a Fossil 5
TurboC and Interrupts: A few Questions 2
Book Reviews:
C Chest: and other treasures. 6
C Database Development 1
C Programming Guide 1
C Programming Language 1
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications 3
C Programmer's Library 1
C Primer Plus 1
C the Complete Reference 2
Crafting C Tools for the IBM PC 2
Learning to Program in C 1
Microsoft C Programming on the IBM PC 1
MS-DOS Developer's Guide 4
Programming in Windows 3
Reliable Data Structures in C 1
TurboC: Memory Resident Utilities 5
TurboC Programmer's Reference Book 2
QuickC 1
Software Reviews:
Bplus11.arc 3
C_Dates.arc 4
Cdate.arc 4
Casm.arc 3
C-subr.arc 4
Docu.arc 3
Ezwind.arc 8
Jcl-src.arc 4
Mscpopup.arc 3
Ndmake41.arc 4
C News 1-08 Page 21 11 Jun 1988
Subject: Issue:
Software Reviews Cont:
Nuc-subr.arc 3
Prndoc.arc 6
Sed.arc 6
Shift_c.arc 4
Sysact11.arc 4
Tp_to_qc.arc 3
Xenixarc.arc 4
C News 1-08 Page 22 30 May 1988
Board Name Number Net/Node Sysop
United States
C BBS (703) 440-0240 1:109/713 Barry Lynch
Burke, VA
Jaz C-Scape (904) 724-1377 1:112/1027 Tom Evans
Jacksonville, FL
Eastern C Board (201) 247-6748 1:107/335 Todd Lehr
Another BBS System (416) 465-7752 1:148/208 Mark Bowman
Toronto, Canada
Fido_N1_1 31-8350-37156 2:500/1 Henk Wevers
The Netherlands
Alpha-Centuri BBS 011-61-3-874-3559 3:632/348 David Nugent